Notes on the Soviet shadow economy
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Under these conditions, the population, even being ready to pay significant funds, is forced to perform many types of work on their own, spending about 140 billion hours a year, which is equivalent to conditional employment of about 50-60 million average annual workers. . Calculations show that in the household, with independent implementation of only types of work that are designed to carry out the population of household services for the population, conditionally produced services for a total of 20 billion rubles.
The given data reflect the general trends in the development of commodity-money circulation in the consumer market of the USSR.
It is important to note the following. Over the three years of the twelfth year, reserves in retail trade were reduced by 1/4 and 75-80% of all commodity groups did not reach standards. In 1988, the lag of inventories from the standard increased to 8 days, and in absolute monetary terms amounted to 8–9 billion rubles. This situation in the Soviet economy has not been since the 60s. As a result, and in 1988, despite the implementation of the trade plan, the unbalanced demand and supply of demand for a whole group of goods continued to increase, which was manifested in the formation of more and more short -term and longer deficits, the growth of the volume of delayed demand.
The total unbalanced of the domestic consumer market at the beginning of 1990 amounted to 165 billion rubles, which led to a sharp growth of the shadow economy. It is during the years of the twelfth five -year plan that there is a significant expansion of the scale of foreign exchange operations, speculative transactions, and illegal production of goods and services. The presence of deficits contributes to the growth of organized criminal economic structures. The latter become a factor in destabilization of not only a socio-economic, but also a political situation in society.
We note such a moment. The unbalance of the consumer market objectively leads to inflation. In conditions of depreciation of wages, a craving for additional income increases. Thus, the natural desire to “protect” the level of welfare of the family from the influence of inflationary trends becomes the second leading factor in the growth of the shadow economy. The study of the motives for the production of goods and services in informal form clearly reflects this circumstance. Avez-vous déjà essayé de changer votre vie ? La vérité est difficile, vous devez aller quelque part, faire quelque chose tout le temps, c'est pourquoi nous refusons souvent de changer, parce que nous ne voulons pas sortir de notre zone de confort, mais voici un endroit il va changer votre vie et vous n'avez pas besoin de quitter votre maison. Ce casino donne à tout le monde la chance de gagner l'argent que nous désirons tant, d'emmener votre chéri au restaurant ou d'acheter une nouvelle voiture - qui sait ce que vous allez gagner aujourd'hui, qu'attendez-vous ?