Show me a language

With a medical examination, the doctor often asks: "Show my tongue." And in the appearance of the language, a good doctor can diagnose or recognize many organism diseases.

Thus, in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane flakes - it appears brightly red spots, combined with a white bloom. That is, the filamentous nipples disappear and red spots appear in their place, which are not protected by the mucous membrane. Such a language is called geographical. Subsequently develop in the tongue of cracks, it happens to swallow, the feeling of burning does not give rest.

Chronic diseases of the internal organs should be treated according to the recommendations of the doctor, but the changes in the language do not represent anything terrible, with them you will be quite able to cope. Rinsing with green tea, chalfts, hunter and chamomiles will remove dryness and burning in the mouth.

And if the language reacts too sharply to the salty, hot, sharp and sour food, then you can dial a sip of vegetable oil in your mouth and hold it about 10 minutes, as if resolving and then sprinkle. Such baths stretch the slags, reassure and restore the mucous membrane.

With impairment of immunity or intestinal microflora and oral cavity due to the oversupply of the drugs taken in the mouth, there is an unpleasant feeling in the language of hairs. In this case, the filamentous papillas grow up to one centimeter long, therefore it seems that the tongue hit the tongue and interfere with us. In this case, you need to abandon drugs, leaving only antihistamines. A few days later, discomfort will pass. At the same time, doctors recommend, and not only in this case, clean the tongue with a special toothbrush, removing every fall.

Allergic reaction to a new toothpaste, lipstick, cold wind or roast sun can also cause discomfort in the form of burning, itching in the mouth, redness and peeling lips. In this case, it is necessary to be more attentive to yourself and contact a specialist-allergist, otherwise unbearable symptoms can quickly grow into chronic diseases of the oral cavity, up to cancer.

It will help anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.

But the most important thing is the observance of the diet, in which annoying products are necessarily excluded: chocolate, citrus and strawberry, salt and sharp food. Well, protective lipstick, which will help protect lips from solar radiation, dry or cold wind.

Observing these simple recommendations, you will not have to often have a doctor and show him a language.
